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2021 Vol. 48, No. 6

Calcium channels at the center of nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptor-mediated plant immunity
Shitou Xia, Xueru Liu, Yuelin Zhang
2021, 48(6): 429-432. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.06.003
Abstract (363) HTML PDF (45)
Polycomb-group proteins in the initiation and progression of cancer
Xiujuan Zhao, Xudong Wu
2021, 48(6): 433-443. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.03.013
Abstract (165) HTML PDF (5)

The Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are a family of chromatin regulators and critical for the maintenance of cellular identity. The PcG machinery can be categorized into at least three multi-protein complexes, namely Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1), PRC2, and Polycomb Repressive DeUBiquitinase (PR-DUB). Their deregulation has been associated with human cancer initiation and progression. Here we review the updated understanding for PcG proteins in transcription regulation and DNA damage repair and highlight increasing links to the hallmarks in cancer. Accordingly, we discuss some of the recent advances in drug development or strategies against cancers caused by the gain or loss of PcG functions.

Original research
Genome editing in plants with MAD7 nuclease
Qiupeng Lin, Zixu Zhu, Guanwen Liu, Chao Sun, Dexing Lin, Chenxiao Xue, Shengnan Li, Dandan Zhang, Caixia Gao, Yanpeng Wang, Jin-Long Qiu
2021, 48(6): 444-451. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.04.003
Abstract (504) HTML PDF (88)

MAD7 is an engineered nuclease of the Class 2 type V-A CRISPR-Cas (Cas12a/Cpf1) family with a low level of homology to canonical Cas12a nucleases. It has been publicly released as a royalty-free nuclease for both academic and commercial use. Here, we demonstrate that the CRISPR-MAD7 system can be used for genome editing and recognizes T-rich PAM sequences (YTTN) in plants. Its editing efficiency in rice and wheat is comparable to that of the widely used CRISPR-LbCas12a system. We develop two variants, MAD7-RR and MAD7-RVR that increase the target range of MAD7, as well as an M-AFID (a MAD7-APOBEC fusion-induced deletion) system that creates predictable deletions from 5′-deaminated Cs to the MAD7-cleavage site. Moreover, we show that MAD7 can be used for multiplex gene editing and that it is effective in generating indels when combined with other CRISPR RNA orthologs. Using the CRISPR-MAD7 system, we have obtained regenerated mutant rice and wheat plants with up to 65.6% efficiency.

LIMK2 is required for membrane cytoskeleton reorganization of contracting airway smooth muscle
Yeqiong Li, Yuwei Zhou, Pei Wang, Tao Tao, Lisha Wei, Ye Wang, Wei Wang, Yanyan Zheng, Zhihui Jiang, Tiantian Qiu, Wei Zhao, Jie Sun, Xin Chen, Xue-Na Zhang, Min-Sheng Zhu
2021, 48(6): 452-462. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.04.014
Abstract (166) HTML PDF (12)

Airway smooth muscle (ASM) has developed a mechanical adaption mechanism by which it transduces force and responds to environmental forces, which is essential for periodic breathing. Cytoskeletal reorganization has been implicated in this process, but the regulatory mechanism remains to be determined. We here observe that ASM abundantly expresses cytoskeleton regulators Limk1 and Limk2, and their expression levels are further upregulated in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) animals. By establishing mouse lines with deletions of Limk1 or Limk2, we analyse the length-sensitive contraction, F/G-actin dynamics, and F-actin pool of mutant ASM cells. As LIMK1 phosphorylation does not respond to the contractile stimulation, LIMK1-deficient ASM develops normal maximal force, while LIMK2 or LIMK1/LIMK2 deficient ASMs show approximately 30% inhibition. LIMK2 deletion causes a significant decrease in cofilin phosphorylation along with a reduced F/G-actin ratio. As LIMK2 functions independently of cross-bridge movement, this observation indicates that LIMK2 is necessary for F-actin dynamics and hence force transduction. Moreover, LIMK2-deficient ASMs display abolishes stretching-induced suppression of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) but not acetylcholine-evoks force, which is due to the differential contraction mechanisms adopted by the agonists. We propose that LIMK2-mediated cofilin phosphorylation is required for membrane cytoskeleton reorganization that is necessary for ASM mechanical adaption including the 5-HT-evoked length-sensitive effect.

Molecular basis for the selective recognition and ubiquitination of centromeric histone H3 by yeast E3 ligase Psh1
Ning Zhou, Liuxin Shi, Shan Shan, Zheng Zhou
2021, 48(6): 463-472. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.04.007
Abstract (343) HTML PDF (249)

Centromeres are chromosomal loci marked by histone variant CenH3 (centromeric histone H3) and essential for genomic stability and cell division. The budding yeast E3 ubiquitin ligase Psh1 selectively recognizes the yeast CenH3 (Cse4) for ubiquitination and controls the cellular level of Cse4 for proteolysis, but the underlying mechanism remains largely unknown. Here, we show that Psh1 uses a Cse4-binding domain (CBD, residues 1–211) to interact with Cse4-H4 instead of H3-H4, yielding a dissociation constant (Kd) of 27 nM. Psh1 recognizes Cse4-specific residues in the L1 loop and α2 helix to ensure Cse4 binding and ubiquitination. We map the Psh1-binding region of Cse4-H4 and identify a wide range of Cse4-specific residues required for the Psh1-mediated Cse4 recognition and ubiquitination. Further analyses reveal that histone chaperone Scm3 can impair Cse4 ubiquitination by abrogating Psh1-Cse4 binding. Together, our study reveals a novel Cse4-binding mode distinct from those of known CenH3 chaperones and elucidates the mechanism by which Scm3 competes with Psh1 for Cse4 binding.

Genomic insight into the divergence and adaptive potential of a forgotten landrace G. hirsutum L. purpurascens
Mian Faisal Nazir, Shoupu He, Haris Ahmed, Zareen Sarfraz, Yinhua Jia, Hongge Li, Gaofei Sun, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, Zhaoe Pan, Xiongming Du
2021, 48(6): 473-484. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.04.009
Abstract (380) HTML PDF (27)

Wild progenitors are an excellent source for strengthening the genetic basis and accumulation of desirable variation lost because of directional selection and adaptation in modern cultivars. Here, we re-evaluate a landrace of Gossypium hirsutum, formerly known as Gossypium purpurascens. Our study seeks to understand the genomic structure, variation, and breeding potential of this landrace, providing potential insights into the biogeographic history and genomic changes likely associated with domestication. A core set of accessions, including current varieties, obsolete accessions, G. purpurascens, and other geographical landraces, are subjected to genotyping along with multilocation phenotyping. Population fixation statistics suggests a marked differentiation between G. purpurascens and three other groups, emphasizing the divergent genomic behavior of G. purpurascens. Phylogenetic analysis establishes the primitive nature of G. purpurascens, identifying it as a vital source of functional variation, the inclusion of which in the upland cotton (cultivated G. hirsutum) gene pool may broaden the genetic basis of modern cultivars. Genome-wide association results indicate multiple loci associated with domestication regions corresponding to flowering and fiber quality. Moreover, the conserved nature of G. purpurascens can also provide insights into the evolutionary process of G. hirsutum.

OsMLH1 interacts with OsMLH3 to regulate synapsis and interference-sensitive crossover formation during meiosis in rice
Xiaodong Xin, Xingwang Li, Junkai Zhu, Xiaobin Liu, Zhenghu Chu, Jiali Shen, Changyin Wu
2021, 48(6): 485-496. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.04.011
Abstract (227) HTML PDF (40)

Meiotic recombination is essential for reciprocal exchange of genetic information between homologous chromosomes and their subsequent proper segregation in sexually reproducing organisms. MLH1 and MLH3 belong to meiosis-specific members of the MutL-homolog family, which are required for normal level of crossovers (COs) in some eukaryotes. However, their functions in plants need to be further elucidated. Here, we report the identification of OsMLH1 and reveal its functions during meiosis in rice. Using CRISPR-Cas9 approach, two independent mutants, Osmlh1-1 and Osmlh1-2, are generated and exhibited significantly reduced male fertility. In Osmlh1-1, the clearance of PAIR2 is delayed and partial ZEP1 proteins are not loaded into the chromosomes, which might be due to the deficient in resolution of interlocks at late zygotene. Thus, OsMLH1 is required for the assembly of synapsis complex. In Osmlh1-1, CO number is dropped by ~53% and the distribution of residual COs is consistent with predicted Poisson distribution, indicating that OsMLH1 is essential for the formation of interference-sensitive COs (class I COs). OsMLH1 interacts with OsMLH3 through their C-terminal domains. Mutation in OsMLH3 also affects the pollen fertility. Thus, our experiments reveal that the conserved heterodimer MutLγ (OsMLH1-OsMLH3) is essential for the formation of class I COs in rice.

Genomic and functional evaluation of TNFSF14 in multiple sclerosis susceptibility
Miriam Zuccalà, Nadia Barizzone, Elena Boggio, Luca Gigliotti, Melissa Sorosina, Chiara Basagni, Roberta Bordoni, Ferdinando Clarelli, Santosh Anand, Eleonora Mangano, Domizia Vecchio, Elena Corsetti, Serena Martire, Simona Perga, Daniela Ferrante, Alberto Gajofatto, Andrei Ivashynka, Claudio Solaro, Roberto Cantello, Vittorio Martinelli, Giancarlo Comi, Massimo Filippi, Federica Esposito, Maurizio Leone, Gianluca De Bellis, Umberto Dianzani, Filippo Martinelli-Boneschi, Sandra D'Alfonso
2021, 48(6): 497-507. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.03.017
Abstract (151) HTML PDF (13)

Among multiple sclerosis (MS) susceptibility genes, the strongest non-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) signal in the Italian population maps to the TNFSF14 gene encoding LIGHT, a glycoprotein involved in dendritic cell (DC) maturation. Through fine-mapping in a large Italian dataset (4,198 patients with MS and 3,903 controls), we show that the TNFSF14 intronic SNP rs1077667 is the primarily MS-associated variant in the region. Expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) analysis indicates that the MS risk allele is significantly associated with reduced TNFSF14 messenger RNA levels in blood cells, which is consistent with the allelic imbalance in RNA-Seq reads (P<0.0001). The MS risk allele is associated with reduced levels of TNFSF14 gene expression (P<0.01) in blood cells from 84 Italian patients with MS and 80 healthy controls (HCs). Interestingly, patients with MS are lower expressors of TNFSF14 compared to HC (P<0.007). Individuals homozygous for the MS risk allele display an increased percentage of LIGHT-positive peripheral blood myeloid DCs (CD11c+, P = 0.035) in 37 HCs, as well as in in vitro monocyte-derived DCs from 22 HCs (P = 0.04). Our findings suggest that the intronic variant rs1077667 alters the expression of TNFSF14 in immune cells, which may play a role in MS pathogenesis.

Letter to the editor
Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of non-hematopoietic circulating cells in mid-gestational mouse embryos
Yanyan Li, Yanjuan Chen, Xiaona Zheng, Yun Gao, Yuxuan Zheng, Zongcheng Li, Han He, Fuchou Tang, Bing Liu, Yu Lan
2021, 48(6): 508-511. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.05.002
Abstract (291) HTML PDF (23)
ROS is essential for initiation of energy deprivation-induced autophagy
Choufei Wu, Yixing Li, Shu Zhong, Yingcong Chen, Yu Xie, Yuyao Feng, Weijing Yao, Suping Fu, Yanlan Zhu, Liefeng Wang, Yuting Chen, Liqin Zhang, Jingjing Tong, Cong Yi
2021, 48(6): 512-515. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.05.005
Abstract (256) HTML PDF (23)