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2018 Vol. 45, No. 11

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Highlights of genetics research over the past four decades in China
Yongbiao Xue, Yaping Zhang
2018, 45(11): 561-562. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.11.001
Abstract (91) HTML PDF (3)
An overview of rice genetics research in China
James A. Birchler
2018, 45(11): 563-564. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.11.002
Abstract (76) HTML PDF (4)
A legacy of the “1% program” – The “Chinese Chapter” of the human genome reference sequence
Wei Dong, Xiaoling Wang, Zhi Xia, Xiuqing Zhang, Huanming Yang
2018, 45(11): 565-568. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.10.003
Abstract (129) HTML PDF (2)
The forty years of medical genetics in China
Lei Cai, Lan Alice Zheng, Lin He
2018, 45(11): 569-582. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.10.001
Abstract (147) HTML PDF (8)
Medical genetics is the newest cutting-edge discipline that focuses on solving medical problems using genetics knowledge and methods. In China, medical genetics research activities initiated from a poor inner basis but a prosperous outer environment. During the 40 years of reform and opening-up policy, Chinese scientists contributed significantly in the field of medical genetics, garnering considerable attention worldwide. In this review, we highlight the significant findings and/or results discovered by Chinese scientists in monogenic diseases, complex diseases, cancer, genetic diagnosis, as well as gene manipulation and gene therapy. Due to these achievements, China is widely recognized to be at the forefront of medical genetics research and development. However, the significant progress and development that has been achieved could not have been accomplished without sufficient funding and a well-constructed logistics network. The successful implementation of translational and precise medicine sourced from medical genetics will depend on an open ethics policy and intellectual property protection, along with strong support at the national industry level.
Fruit fly research in China
Ying Cheng, Dahua Chen
2018, 45(11): 583-592. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.09.003
Abstract (100) HTML PDF (7)
Served as a model organism over a century, fruit fly has significantly pushed forward the development of global scientific research, including in China. The high similarity in genomic features between fruit fly and human enables this tiny insect to benefit the biomedical studies of human diseases. In the past decades, Chinese biologists have used fruit fly to make numerous achievements on understanding the fundamental questions in many diverse areas of biology. Here, we review some of the recent fruit fly studies in China, and mainly focus on those studies in the fields of stem cell biology, cancer therapy and regeneration medicine, neurological disorders and epigenetics.
Conservation genetics and genomics of threatened vertebrates in China
Huizhong Fan, Yibo Hu, Qi Wu, Yonggang Nie, Li Yan, Fuwen Wei
2018, 45(11): 593-601. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.09.005
Abstract (156) HTML PDF (9)
Conservation genetics and genomics are two independent disciplines that focus on using new techniques in genetics and genomics to solve problems in conservation biology. During the past two decades, conservation genetics and genomics have experienced rapid progress. Here, we summarize the research advances in the conservation genetics and genomics of threatened vertebrates (e.g., carnivorans, primates, ungulates, cetaceans, avians, amphibians and reptiles) in China. First, we introduce the concepts of conservation genetics and genomics and their development. Second, we review the recent advances in conservation genetics research, including noninvasive genetics and landscape genetics. Third, we summarize the progress in conservation genomics research, which mainly focuses on resolving genetic problems relevant to conservation such as genetic diversity, genetic structure, demographic history, and genomic evolution and adaptation. Finally, we discuss the future directions of conservation genetics and genomics.
Retrospective and perspective of rice breeding in China
Shiwei Bai, Hong Yu, Bing Wang, Jiayang Li
2018, 45(11): 603-612. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.10.002
Abstract (182) HTML PDF (10)
Breeding is the art and science of selecting and changing crop traits for the benefit of human beings. For several decades, tremendous efforts have been made by Chinese scientists in rice breeding in improving grain yield, nutrition quality, and environmental performance, achieving substantial progress for global food security. Several generations of crop breeding technologies have been developed, for example, selection of better performance in the field among variants (conventional breeding), application of molecular markers for precise selection (molecular marker assisted breeding), and development of molecular design (molecular breeding by rational design). In this review, we briefly summarize the advances in conventional breeding, functional genomics for genes and networks in rice that regulate important agronomic traits, and molecular breeding in China with focuses on high yield, good quality, stress tolerance, and high nutrient-use efficiency. These findings have paved a new avenue for rational design of crops to develop ideal varieties with super performance and productivity.
The molecular and evolutionary basis of reproductive isolation in plants
Yidan Ouyang, Qifa Zhang
2018, 45(11): 613-620. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.10.004
Abstract (136) HTML PDF (6)
Reproductive isolation is defined as processes that prevent individuals of different populations from mating, survival or producing fertile offspring. Reproductive isolation is critical for driving speciation and maintaining species identity, which has been a fundamental concern in evolutionary biology. In plants, reproductive isolation can be divided into prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers, according to its occurrence at different developmental stages. Postzygotic reproductive isolation caused by reduced fitness in hybrids is frequently observed in plants, which hinders gene flow between divergent populations and has substantial effects on genetic differentiation and speciation, and thus is a major obstacle for utilization of heterosis in hybrid crops. During the past decade, China has made tremendous progress in molecular and evolutionary basis of prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers in plants. Present understandings in reproductive isolation especially with new data in the last several years well support three evolutionary genetic models, which represent a general mechanism underlying genomic differentiation and speciation. The updated understanding will offer new approaches for the development of wide-compatibility or neutral varieties, which facilitate breeding of hybrid rice as well as other hybrid crops.
Retrospective and perspective of plant epigenetics in China
Cheng-Guo Duan, Jian-Kang Zhu, Xiaofeng Cao
2018, 45(11): 621-638. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2018.09.004
Abstract (106) HTML PDF (7)
Epigenetics refers to the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence. Such effects on cellular and physiological phenotypic traits may result from external or environmental factors or be part of normal developmental program. In eukaryotes, DNA wraps on a histone octamer (two copies of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) to form nucleosome, the fundamental unit of chromatin. The structure of chromatin is subjected to a dynamic regulation through multiple epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs), chromatin remodeling and noncoding RNAs. As conserved regulatory mechanisms in gene expression, epigenetic mechanisms participate in almost all the important biological processes ranging from basal development to environmental response. Importantly, all of the major epigenetic mechanisms in mammalians also occur in plants. Plant studies have provided numerous important contributions to the epigenetic research. For example, gene imprinting, a mechanism of parental allele-specific gene expression, was firstly observed in maize; evidence of paramutation, an epigenetic phenomenon that one allele acts in a single locus to induce a heritable change in the other allele, was firstly reported in maize and tomato. Moreover, some unique epigenetic mechanisms have been evolved in plants. For example, the 24-nt siRNA-involved RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway is plant-specific because of the involvements of two plant-specific DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, Pol IV and Pol V. A thorough study of epigenetic mechanisms is of great significance to improve crop agronomic traits and environmental adaptability. In this review, we make a brief summary of important progress achieved in plant epigenetics field in China over the past several decades and give a brief outlook on future research prospects. We focus our review on DNA methylation and histone PTMs, the two most important aspects of epigenetic mechanisms.