Donkey (Equus asinus) is an important livestock animal in China because of its draft and medicinal value. After a long period of natural and artificial selection, the variety and phenotype of donkeys have become abundant. We clarified the genetic and demographic characteristics of Chinese domestic donkeys and the selection pressures by analyzing 78 whole genomes from 12 breeds. According to population structure, most Chinese domestic donkeys showed a dominant ancestral type. However, the Chinese donkeys still represented a significant geographical distribution trend. In the selective sweep, gene annotation, functional enrichment, and differential expression analyses between large and small donkey groups, we identified selective signals, including NCAPG and LCORL, which are related to rapid growth and large body size. Our findings elucidate the evolutionary history and formation of different donkey breeds and provide theoretical insights into the genetic mechanism underlying breed characteristics and molecular breeding programs of donkey clades.
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